Venue: Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics and Business in Prague (CZ)
Date: 11 November 2021
Number of participants: 42 Czech teachers and 7 Slovak teachers

The aim of the event was to disseminate and verify one of the outputs of the project (O2) - training materials for teachers (mentors) and discuss selected materials with the target group.

The target group is mentors, i.e. teachers guiding and supervising will-be-teachers or novice-teachers, with professional and personal experience, but also school head teachers. In Prague, at the dissemination event, they focused on upper-secondary school teachers. School head teachers, especially from Slovakia, had a very good discussion within the whole group.

The contrast in the discussion between the Czech and Slovak participants was welcome. In contrast to the Czech Republic, in Slovakia the Career Rules Act has been introduced in upper-secondary schools. It is part of mentoring and working with novice teachers.

Program (the event was planned with the following content):

  1. welcoming participants - domestic and foreign, familiarization with the program and objectives of the dissemination event;
  2. presentation of the curriculum and training materials (intellectual outputs O1 and O2) - these are six modules of training materials of the prepared publication intended for primary and secondary school teachers (mentors); these materials can, of course, be used by mentees or all those interested in mentoring;
  3. application of selected intellectual outputs of the MENTRA project in practice-training materials a group of presenters applied in school (secondary and middle school) teachers from the Czech Republic and Slovakia could try some of the tasks (mainly the tasks from module No. 6, which is devoted to communication strategies and pedagogical-psychological issues, were piloted);
  4. evaluation of the meeting and discussion - the target group, i.e. teachers from upper-secondary schools welcomed the type of event already on the spot, appreciated all the presented modules and especially the tasks that were prepared for them.

A special page on the MS Teams platform was also created for the participants of the event. The team had the opportunity to discuss there, at MS Teams a survey was also carried out, which will be a part of one of the intellectual outputs from the project. The Czech version of the training manual will also be displayed on MS Teams.

The participants of the event, secondary school teachers also reacted by e-mails after the event. They asked about the date when they will be able to work with the manual. They also called for other similar events. It can be seen that in schools there is a lack of additional training for teachers, and especially for mentors.